Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Movie Review: The Nice Guys

Movie Review: The Nice Guys, 2016, dir: Shane Black.

Russell Crowe plays Healy, a hitman (not that type of hitman, more like, hitting someone in the face when you're stalking someone and get paid for it) who accidentally met Ryan Gosling playing March, a detective, after March being asked to find a girl named Amelia, while Healy just got paid by Amelia to hit March. I know, it's a bit complicated. Wait till you get to see the movie, it's worse, but it's good. Hahaha.

Anyways, the movie has a rather complex plot, which in the end entertain you thoroughly. Plot wise, I love it. If I say more, I will spoil you with the story, so now let's talk about other aspects of the movie.

The movie is classified by Wiki as a neo noir comedy thriller, made by Shane Black. My sister once introduced me with this vlogger, Nerdwriter, who explains that Shane Black, who made the fabolous Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, is a director who manages to make violence in a movie important to the plot, or making the violence right. In some movies, the violence is usually served purely as violence and it gets to you at some point or you became so numb and don't appreciate it anymore. Here in this movie, there are many scenes with violence which not only push the plot forward, but were also very horrific and dramatic, you can only ended up laughing. REALLY.

 from here

Russel Crowe, Gosling and the girl who played as Gosling's daughter are brilliant. It's not everyday for you to see Gosling (I mean... DRIVE??!) played as a big ass pitiful man who cries with a high pitch. Gosh that was so funny to watch! And Russel Crowe! I wouldn't have expected him to play this type of character, but he was really cool and I respect him throughout this movie. Not cool as much as he is in Gladiator or the new Superman, I mean, it's a totally different genre, but as a seasoned hitman who play no games, but softened by this young girl, but not too much that it gets cheesy. Thank God.

One of my favorite scenes, and this is truly a spoiler, so if you don't want to spoil your enjoyment of the movie, please don't read this, is when Ryan Gosling's character pretended to act stupid and delirious when it's actually a scheme to distract his enemy. I think he did it like 3 times here, and we believed it every single time, because he was a rather foolish/clumsy character in the movie (with glimpses of his smartness as a real detective. Really, this movie impressed me!), but he used people's assumption on him to make a fool out of his enemy and use it for his best advantage.

I love the color (yeah, retro). And the craziness (tanks filled with mermaids?!). And glimpses of Detroit on its golden days (this is due to Only Lovers Left Alive). And all the absurdities which falls into place in the end.

By the way, I read that this movie flops in box office although praised by critics, which is quite a shame considering this is a very well written one, very funny, and through and through enjoyable. My sister and I laughed like crazy the whole time, and I'm gonna make my husband watch it as well!

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